Humate is a pure form of organic matter. It is an accumulation of partially decayed forest and other carbon-rich plant residues that have been compressed and preserved over the ages.

These humate deposits are high in carbon, natural minerals and trace elements, and are referred to as humic substances. They also contain two very powerful bioactive acids: humic acid and fulvic acid.


The benefits of humic and fulvic acids can be grouped into 5 main categories:

  • Physical
  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Economical
  • Ecological


Humic acids chemically change the fixation properties of the soil. Humic acid neutralizes acidic and alkaline soils; regulates pH-value of soils, increasing their buffering abilities; and has extremely high cation-exchange properties.

  • Improves and optimizes uptake of nutrients and water holding capacity
  • Stimulates plant growth with its rich organic and mineral substances
  • Helps to retain water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones
  • Enhances the uptake of nitrogen by plants
  • Reduces the availability of toxic substances in soils


Humic acids biologically stimulate plants and activities of micro-organism which encourages the following benefits:

  • Stimulates plant enzymes and increases their production
  • Stimulates growth and proliferation of desirable micro-organisms in soil
  • Enhances plant’s natural resistance against diseases and pesticides
  • Stimulates root growth, especially vertically and enables better nutrient uptake
  • Increases vitamin and mineral content of the plants
  • Thickens cell walls in fruit and prolongs their storage and shelf time
  • Increases germination and viability of the seeds
  • Stimulates plant growth
  • Increases quality of yields: improves their physical appearance and nutritional value

By just using fertilizers, we can’t reach maximum crop yields. Maximum yields require organic matter humic acid, high cation exchange capacity and biological activity.

Soil pH affects many chemical and biological reactions. It is an important parameter for plant nutrition – in high acidity, absorption of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, calcium diminishes; in high alkaline conditions, absorption of iron, manganese, boron, copper and zinc decreases.

Humic acid buffers soil pH to 5.5 to 7.5 levels which is ideal for plant development and nutrients absorption. Thus acting as a natural chelator, they help plant roots to absorb nutrients more efficiently to create long term positive effect on soil quality and productivity. In comparison, conventional chemical fertilizers only show short term effects without any plus benefits on soil structure and soil productivity.


Humic acids chelate nutrient compounds in the soil, especially iron, to a form suitable for plant utilization, optimizing the plant’s nutrient supply. This promotes:up to 70% increase in yield, accompanied by a reduction of up to 30% in the use of fertilizers and pesticides.

Better and healthier growth of green grass, ornaments, agricultural crops and woods with the regular application of quality humic acids increased water holding capacity of soils, substantially reducing the use of water.


The ecological benefits of humic acids are diverse and offer effective solutions for environmental issues and the preservation of the environment.

Reduces water contamination/

Soils with a high content of humic acids encourage low nitrate leaching and optimum nutrient efficiency. A well developed root system, which is achieved by high content of humic acids, prevents nitrate and pesticides from mixing in with ground water.

Often growers use more fertilizers than plants can take up. This leads to nitrate concentration in the soil, which is later found in ground water, causing water contamination.

Humic acids reduce over-salination problems in application of water soluble mineral fertilizers.

Humic acids are able to decrease high salt contents in soils and resulting toxicities. Especially the NH4-toxicity of fertilizers containing ammonia is reduced, which is of great importance for young plants. Generally, humic acids reduce root burning which comes about through excessive salt concentrations in soils after fertilization. Also when humic acids are mixed with liquid fertilizers. The undesirable smell is diminished.

Humic acids are an effective means to fight against soil erosion.

This is achieved by increasing the ability of soil colloids to combine and by enhancing root system and plant development. Humic acid and its benefits have been certified by many international Organic Agriculture Institutions.

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