Focus on Spring Fert Spread


Southern Humates continues to invest heavily in independent scientific field trials.

1st Trial 2014 – 2019

Increase in Pasture Production – This comprehensive five-year study has proven the addition of 20% humates to urea increases pasture production.  Humates improve nutrient efficiency, enhance root development, and promote microbial activity, leading to healthier soil and more robust plant growth. Peer Reviewed with Scientific Nature Journal resulting in a paper published.

2nd Trial 2017 – 2021

Reduction in Nitrate Leaching – This study showed that adding low quantities of humate to urea, significantly increased grassland production by 13.1% while decreasing topsoil nitrogen leaching by 61.4% compares with urea. Humate minimises nutrient leaching by binding to soil particles, enhancing nutrient retention and availability to plants. Its high cation exchange capacity holds essential nutrients like nitrogen, preventing them from washing away.

3rd Trial 2018 – 2023

Reduction in Heavy Metal Toxicity – This trial examined the effectiveness of Southern Humates for increasing fertiliser efficiency and reducing soil aluminium toxicity in the high-country near Twizel.  Humates reduce heavy metal contamination by binding to metals in the soil, forming stable complexes. This process immobilizes toxic metals, preventing them from being absorbed by plants, thus reducing their bioavailability and minimising the risk of heavy metal uptake into the food chain.

Humate increased dryland pasture yield by 10 – 15% when added to surface applied lime.  The carbon in humate is a form of carbohydrate that sustains fungi and bacteria helping to break down the lime making it quicker and easier for plant uptake.

Humate increased pasture yield by 21 – 48% when added to Calcium nitrate

For Best Results from your Spring Fertiliser Application

Add 20% Southern Humates for PROVEN RESULTS

Fertiliser Consultants insist on Southern Humates included in your personalised fert plans

South Island       Contact Allenby Enterprises & Fertlink – 027 225 8837

North Island       Contact Fertco – 0800 232 733

Best regards,
The Southern Humates Team

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